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Greetings Nadya and Alex, Wanted to let you know that Stone Horse...(Leon) is doing great! He has won over my heart, I'm in love! He is doing great, he was introduced to his first horse yesterday. His eye's grew big as I held him up to my horses nose,the look on his face was funny..;) As you can see from the pictures, he blends in with the outdoors too much! Sometimes you can be looking right at him and not even see him. I am very careful not to leave him out of my site for one minute. He plays wonderfully with the other dogs and loves to stare and try to chase the chickens! He's not very fast with his little puppy legs. He sleeps with me every night, and always wakes me up with a smile..;) Thank you so much again Nadya! Good Luck with all of your pups, I hope they all find wonderful homes ! Thank you again, He is truly wonderful, you have done a great job in bringing this magnificent creature into the world!

Jennifer - USA
Hi Alex & Nadya, We are home and they are beautiful!!!!!! Very tired and happy to be out of the crate.....They played in the yard for a little while but I worried about them getting too hot as they are ot use to the heat here.....but it will start to cool down some soon....They are so loving and friendly.....We are just thrilled. Thank you so much for being great honest breeders and going beyond my expectations with these puppies.....I will write you a very nice review on puppy find in the next few days. And I will send some photos soon....I did get their pedigrees and all of their paperwork and I did stop and get them some Royal Canin food. I will stay in touch..... Thanks for everything....Please feel free to use me as a reference whenever you need.....

TammyJo - Chicago,IL USA
Mariya Broytman - Huntingdon, PA
Hi Nadya, I give you some news about "Bela" , she now called "Doolaly"which means in Irish language: funny girl and that suits very well to her cause she s a crazy girl!as you told me she likes bitting feet.... Aie ,aie, aie! But she s a wonderful frenchie and everybody here loves her(especially my last son which is 17 months old). so, thank you for what you did for us cause we are very happy with the little girl.

Pascale - France
Hi Nadya, I know it must be the middle of the night there.....but after 5 hours of waiting.......I have King! He is wonderful....... I want to thank you for putting up with the customs over here....I know that they can be difficult to work with. King is sleeping in his new bed......I will not be long to follow. Thank you Again, he is beautiful and I am sure he will fit right in at my home. Best wishes

Gwyn - Swanton, Ohio USA
Nadya and Alex, It's time for an updated pic and story of Pinokio's adventures in the U S. This boy is the love of our life, and he's been such a booger lately. We've been laughing our heads off at him. Firstly he LOVES TO EAT! He's almost addicted and obsessed with eating as much as he can. After meal times ( all my dogs eat inside their crates) he runs around to everyone else' s crate to see if they've left him a bite. He finishes first every time and then barks until all are done. We have to drag him out of the other's crates and he darts in quickly.

Bonny - USA
Kimberlee - NJ, USA
Alex, Here it is again. He's a really sweet and smart puppy! I love him! He's a fast learner too!

Marcia - Chicago, USA
Hello Nadejda! I have the little girl. She is beautiful. No problems at the airport. Received veterinarian health papers, and email copies, but did no have any delays in getting the puppy via U.S. Customs. We do not know what to name her, and will try to let her personality tell us. She is hilarious. We had her here at home with Hayden, who is Shirley's grandson. He wanted to play with her, and when he found out how hard she could bite, he freaked out! And man, can she get ya good! He went screaming for the couch, and she was right after him, getting a hold on his sock. Thank you for the puppy Nadeja. I will send photos soon. William

William - Washington, USA

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